Semester in Chicago Program

Looking for a Semester in Chicago as an education or social work student? 

Click here to learn more about field placement opportunities in Chicago!

Empower First Summer Program 

Are you a BIPOC/FGLI student from Trinity or a student participating in a Chicago-based college access program? Looking for a paid summer internship and mentorship program in Chicago?

Alternatively, are you part of a college access Community-Based Organization (CBO) from Chicago seeking a paid summer internship and mentorship program?  

Click here to learn more about this program!

50th Anniversary Celebration 

Charting New Directions: Celebrating 50 Years of Program Excellence 

On Friday, April 19th, Chicago Semester will celebrate its 50th Anniversary! Join us as we honor the transformational impact that Chicago Semester’s experiential education model has had on our alumni and internship sites and as we unveil what’s next in this work. For more details click the following links:

Event and Sponsorship Information: