Reflections from Sarah: A CS Student Teacher

Oh hey there! Thanks for stopping by to catch up! I cannot believe that this semester is half over already. I know I said this last time, but the time really is just flying by. I’ve had to remind myself to slow down and take in the *debatably* fresh Chicago air!

Last week, all student teachers completed a midterm evaluation and are now officially taking over ALL classroom responsibilities from here on out ~ terrifying, I know. I walked into my midterm evaluation meeting full of nerves and anxieties. I was full of questions and self doubt. I’m often too hard on myself and find that I am my harshest critic. However, I left feeling confident. I was unprepared to hear my cooperating teacher give me so much positive feedback. She encouraged me to relax, trust my gut, and just have fun! Even though I am still a bit nervous to be the lead teacher, I feel humbled knowing that I will definitely have things that do not go as planned. Some activities might flop. The kids might not listen. Lessons might not get written. I do not have to have everything figured out. That is the reality of teaching anyways, right?!

As I dive into this new territory of unknowns, I have confidence that whatever happens I will be a better teacher & person because of it! In the words of the Bachelor Pilot Pete, “This is such an amazing journey, I just have to trust the process.” (you’re welcome Bach Nation)


PRO TIP #3 – IT IS FINALLY GETTING NICE OUT! Seriously, get out of your rooms and walk around. There is no better place to walk than along lake Michigan on a sunny day! Highly recommend:)