Reflections from Mean: A CS Social Work Student

It’s finally April! Yesterday the weather got into the 70s which is the warmest it’s ever been. This is ironic because I’m from California where any 70s temperature would feel cool or even a bit chilly. But it was the perfect weather for this weekend. This weekend my friends and I explored Argyle street which is filled with various Vietnamese, Thai and Chinese shops. We had a nice lunch out in the sunshine where we enjoyed Vietnamese Pho and Bun, and then after, we explored more of the nearby neighborhoods.  It was a pleasant time, especially after a long week at my internship.

These past 2 weeks at my internship have been normal, for the most part. Each day varies depending on the guest I work with and what they’re needing help with. For example, sometimes a guest may ask for help with things that our services don’t provide. In those situations, I try and connect them to places that are able to help them. But I’ve learned that this type of brokering isn’t as easy or straightforward as it seems. Sometimes the places you call don’t pick up or don’t return your calls. This can be frustrating, but I’ve learned to keep trying until something eventually works out. My supervisor also gave me wise advice about what to do in these types of situations. She said that it’s not our job to solve the guests’ problems, rather we’re there to assist them and to be as helpful as we can. Hearing this made me feel better because I feel a sense of responsibility to help the guests as much as I can.

Now that the end of the semester is nearing, it means that final projects and assignments will be due soon. I’ve been trying to plan ahead and spread my assignments out, so that I won’t have to do everything at the last minute. The advice I give to future students is to utilize your calendars and planners. It’s important to know when assignments are due and how you plan to prepare for them. Don’t procrastinate or push them to the end, because it can easily get overwhelming!