Reflections from Mikaela: A CS Business and Communications Student

Blog Post Number 4:
Hello! I didn’t mean to jump out at you, but it’s spooky season what did you expect?
October in Chicago has proven to be quite fun. I have been spending quite a bit of time
preparing for Halloween, including a Halloween Town marathon with some friends from
Chicago Semester. We are planning a trick-or-treat throughout our apartments which
includes a different theme for each room and a baked good (I am making pumpkin
bread from Trader Joe’s because TJ’s is my love language).

Before I could prepare for Halloween, I had to get some homework done. I found the best homework spot at the Harold Washington Library. This place did not only make me feel like I lived in a castle, but it was also FREE. My internship has been loaded with SEO training the past week, so my supervisor and I took a break at our favorite coffee shop, Café Ubria, located in Logan Square.

Oops, I also went to another coffee shop called PiniPico, but come on, the name was too fun not to go there.

Probably the scariest part of Halloween is the fact that November is approaching so quickly! I am trying to soak in every bike ride and run along the lakeshore path as I can, while taking in all the views before the snow starts falling down. Chicago Tip: Divvy bikes are a must.

Quick Question: Should I be Rachel from FRIENDS for Halloween, or a Tinkerbell? I’m open to suggestions! While I think on that, I’ll let you get to your Halloween festivities. Stay tuned for the costume reveal in my next blog! Until then, remember, It’s all just a bunch of hocus pocus.
