
Reflections from Daria: A CS Student Teacher

New Beginnings: A Classroom and La Casa Hello!  My name is Daria Solomon, and I will be graduating from Hope College in Holland, Michigan, in December.  I have been working toward a double major in mathematics and English for both elementary and secondary education, and I am completing my student teaching semester through the Chicago…
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Reflections from Sarah: A CS Student Teacher, Spring 2017

Final Thoughts I am now on my final week of student teaching and I will be observing classrooms in Cooper, another public school, and my own class for the rest of the week. I cannot believe that I am almost done and that I could have my own classroom this fall! This past week I…
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Reflections from Tiffany: A CS BSW Student

It was the summer of 2001, and I was six years old. My mom had taken my younger brother and I to the Museum of Science and Industry in the beautiful south side neighborhood of Hyde Park. I recall being in awe not only of the lush greenery that surrounded us but also of the…
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Reflections from Libbie: A CS Communication Student

The past three months I’ve had the time of my life. I got to work for one of the best role models in my aspired industry, I explored so many parts of the city that opened up completely new doors for me, and I became incredibly more street smart in the process. I cannot put…
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Reflections from Sarah: A CS Student Teacher

The Final Stretch This week, students created 3D models of the heart using paper cups, string, scissors, markers, and tape. The students wrapped up the Human Body unit about a week ago so we have decided to focus on the circulatory system this week. The students enjoyed the opportunity to create their own heart model…
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